Webinar: Detailed Look at a Detailed Invoice with London Health Administrators

A detailed look at a detailed invoice with our client, Chris Cote of London Health Administrators

As a benefits administrator for COBRA and CDH accounts, it is important to provide clear and detailed invoices to your employer clients. However, TPAs often struggle to put this together because of how complex the process can be. These manual processes often lead to costly mistakes, risking a loss of trust between administrators and employers and taking even more time to handle.

Learn from your industry peer about how automated invoicing saves time and generates more revenue

In this previously recorded livestream, hear what Managing Director Christopher Cote has to say about Consolidated Invoicing. Learn how TPA Stream’s Consolidated Invoicing has positively impacted their business and get a look at our invoicing platform as we stream live on LinkedIn.

Easy Implementation

If you’re curious about what the implementation process may look like, Chris covers this and has the following to say: “This was the easiest software migration we’ve ever had, with no hiccups. We were up and running in three months with no impact on our customers.”

Consolidated Invoicing

Manage sales records, invoices, recurring fees, and commission reports with a single automated process.

Special thanks to Chris Cote and London Health Administrators for sharing their experience. To learn more about London Health Administrators, visit their website.

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Why TPA Stream

TPA Stream is a thriving, innovative insurance technology company committed to empowering better benefits by connecting systems, transforming data, and helping TPAs unlock more revenue.

Learn more about TPA Stream here.

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