Benefits with Friends podcast with Lou Bernardi: Improving the Gathering of Insurance Claims Data


We were thrilled to be invited to join our friend Lou Bernardi live on LinkedIn a while back on his podcast, Benefits with Friends. Here’s a summary of our favorite parts of the interview. If you missed it, watch the episode on LinkedIn or read the full interview here.

In this episode of Benefits with Friends, “Improving the Gathering of Insurance Claims Data with Jacob Sheridan,” TPA Stream CEO Jacob Sheridan discusses how we are simplifying and standardizing the collection of historical claims data. Gathering accurate claims data can help business owners deliver better plans and guide consumers to make better insurance devisions.

By using TPA Stream’s Claims Harvesting technology, employers can have access to more comprehensive data to make informed devisions about group health insurance benefits. The interview emphasized the importance of data in healthcare and how TPA Stream’s technology is helping to bridge the gap between employers and insurance carriers.

Give it a listen today!



Why TPA Stream

TPA Stream is a thriving, innovative insurance technology company committed to empowering better benefits by connecting systems, transforming data, and helping TPAs unlock more revenue.

Learn more about TPA Stream here.

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